

Have you ever thought of what you would do if you were a mayor trying to better your own town? 如果你没有, hopefully this essay will get you thinking about it because it made me think a lot. 我开始考虑的事情是街道维护, 社区, 我们镇上发生的一切都是好事.

Street maintenance is very important because without it there would be too many car accidents for people to even be on the road. 有了街道维修,事故就会减少. The type of things that prevent us from having accidents are traffic lights and signs. 如果人们想在他们的社区得到一个特定的标志, I would try my hardest to make that process easier for whoever believes that their neighborhood should have that sign or warning. Or, 如果他们还有其他问题, they can ask me any questions that are relevant to the problem they are having.

The community is one of the most important things in a municipality. It’s important because community is a word that symbolizes coming together and helping one another for the better. Being involved is one of the best things you could do for yourself and the thing you want to be involved in. Another reason it’s a good thing is that you can make many friendships. Just think about all the good things you can and should do by being involved in a community. Taking a part in any community is a good thing because it will make everyone feel at home with the friends they make.

There are things I like in my town and things I think should be added. There are a lot of things that come to mind when I think about what is good but the main thing is all the great people that are in my town. One thing that I would want to add to New York Mills is a place that anyone could go to to learn about New York Mills. 尽管米尔斯有自己的网站, 现在哪个更方便, hopefully people like myself would think it would be a good idea to make a place to go and learn about Mills. It allows people to get out of their house which is always a good thing.

街道的维护可以得到改善, 和社区, 在一起很重要, 参与其中,你可以学到很多东西. There are many good things that are in my town and the things that I think could be noticed or made better. 现在我讲完了,如果你是今天的市长,你会怎么做?


Zahra Kaderbhai


当一天的市长, I would start a new program to allow people in 社区 to replant trees in public areas like city parks and other open spaces. Trees are so important, they give us fresh air and keep us and the earth healthy. 树木也是许多动物和小动物的家园. 枫树是我的最爱.

Two summers ago, we had to cut down three ash trees in our backyard due to emerald ash borer bugs. These trees provided shade and shelter for birds and squirrels, and their loss saddened us. Unfortunately, the city is also removing other trees in the neighborhood due to the same issue. My program’s goal is to ensure that we are replacing as many lost trees as possible.


  • Choose a location: I’ll provide a list of areas where the city has cut down trees. 你可以选择一个地方种一棵新的.
  • 申请权限:向城市申请. You’ll receive a plaque with your name and planting date if approved.
  • 种树:从当地的园艺中心挑选一棵种子树. 把斑块贴在你的树上,看着它生长!
  • Celebrate: Trees can be grown for special occasions like birthdays or graduations, 鼓励其他人加入进来!

我还会为人们提供捐赠树木的途径. 在夏天, my dad sometimes pulls out tree seedlings that are extras from our garden, 我相信其他人也会这么做. I encourage everyone to pot and donate them to local tree nurseries or garden centers.

I think this program will make it fun for people to keep Shoreview green!




Hi! 我叫依琳娜拉森. 你有没有想过当市长,哪怕只是一天? Well, I am going to tell you three things I would do if I was mayor.

First, I would build a police station so police will not have to come from Rochester. 相反,我们应该在拜伦建一个,这样警察就能更快赶到. Another reason for a police station is I feel like if I had a building for my job, 我会很感激. I think it would be nice to build them a police station so they feel more appreciated.

第二,我认为我们应该开设一些养老场所. 这样更容易见到你的爷爷奶奶. I feel like it would be nice to have them not worry about finding a good retirement place. 也会有更多的老人来我们的社区生活.

Lastly, I would make better access for people who have disabilities. 我觉得他们会觉得更受欢迎. I believe that everyone will feel more welcome and easier for everyone.

That is everything I think Byron needs to be a great place for people to live in. 如果我当一天市长,我就会做这些事.



St. 路易斯·帕克,六年级

我叫克莱尔·韦斯特伦德,住在圣. 路易斯公园,明尼苏达州. If I were mayor for the day I would want to meet all the people that I would be working with and establish what jobs they have so I know who to ask for what, 以及与我的同龄人见面和交流.

I would want to scope out empty areas and spaces that are just being wasted. 就像一大片空地. These spaces always make me think of something that I think would look better there. 比如一个操场或散步的自然地带或狗公园. Even a shop or outdoor eating area is so much more fun than a big, empty, concrete lot.

I bet that there are lots of people who have business ideas but don’t have a space to show and share the cool, 创意. Or they could also be turned into something completely new and unique.

I would also want to at least start depolluting lakes in Minnesota. 在1万多个湖泊中,有2409个湖泊受到污染. I live right by Lamplighter Pond, and it’s pretty much a giant sewer dump. I would want to put in an effort to try and clean some out if I were the mayor for the day.

I hope you enjoyed my reasoning and ideas for “If I were the mayor for day.”